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Meeting of 2012-04/02
MONSON FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES                                                                                                                                                              APRIL 2, 2012

Present:        Peter Fimognari, Jim Pennington, Bob Margerison, Gerry Brayton, Bob Finnegan, Kurt Kaiser, Brenda Payette (Administrative Assistant), Deborah Mahar (Town Accountant), Gretchen Neggers (Town Administrator), Edward Maia and Edward Harrison, (Board of Selectmen), Douglas North, Dale Barnes-Johnson, Craig Jalbert, (Water & Sewer)
Absent: William Dominguez, Christine Edwards, Maureen O’Sullivan

The meeting was convened at 7:00pm
Mr. Fimognari made a motion to accept the minutes of the 2/6/2012 meeting; it was SECONDED and SO VOTED.

  • Expenditure Ledger
Meetings attended:

Update regarding FEMA/MEMA money regarding tornado and October storm.
Ms. Mahar did not have a lot of updates regarding storm damage money.  She is still waiting on money from the Federal Highway, hopefully will receive by the end of April.
She received the tickets today from O’Brien from the October snow storm.  There still is no word regarding any reimbursement from the State.

Water & Sewer Commission at 7:15pm to discuss FY 13 budget with additional staff hire:
Mr. Pennington thanked them for coming in at the request of FinCom to discuss their FY13 budget primarily the additional staff hire.  Mr. North remarked that they are very short handed.  They have been tested due to the recent storm emergencies and having to gain access to documentation that is important.  Mr. North said their intention is to hire someone starting as a Laborer and work up to a Maintenance Person.  
The operating budget is level funded; only addition is salary for the additional hire in FY13.  Currently have four people on the payroll and are looking to add one more for a total of five people. Mr. Pennington asked what’s the impact towards the tax payer’s water rates?  Mr. North replied within this budget they have the funds to hire an additional staff member without raising water rates.  The cost to add additional staff hire would come from--$14,000 from sewer and $20,000 from water.
Mr. Pennington asked where they are in the process of this request.  The Board of Selectmen approved their request at their last meeting.  The Board of Selectmen instructed the Water & Sewer Commission to address it next with the Finance Committee.
Mr. Kaiser asked again that this would be funded through water and sewer receipts and nothing would come from the town’s operating budget, Mr. North and Mr. Jalbert said that is correct.

Mr. Brayton made a motion to support the Water and Sewer Commission to add an addition hire to FY13 budget; Mr. Margerison SECONDED and SO VOTED.
Discussion ended at 7:35pm.

FinCom discussion regarding School Transportation Bids:
FinCom put some questions together for the School Committee for next meeting:
First Student submitted a bid.  The spreadsheet shows it is cheaper to stay using the town rather going out to bid.
Mr. Fimognari questioned the process of the bus purchases.  Is this all inclusive?
The maintenance of the buildings?
Pool status?

Budget Updates:
Mr. Margerison asked if they are going to be able to put some money into the stabilization fund?
Ms. Mahar said there are still some issues that are still outstanding:
The Pathfinder budget-still need to decide what budget to fund
$115,000 outstanding from the Tornado
$130,000 school debt bond premium
$600,000 outstanding from October storm

Discussion regarding John Morrell and email from Gretchen Neggers:
Ms. Neggers emailed a response from Town Counsel regarding severance package for non-elected officials.
Mr. Brayton’s point was perhaps it might be better to offer a severance package versus a salary increase.
Mr. Fimognari remarked that FinCom should not look to agree to a salary increase just because someone might be retiring.
Ms.Neggers suggested that FinCom draft a specific question and submit to the Board of Selectmen.
Further discussion took place and it was decided that FinCom would not be pursuing this any further.   

The next scheduled meeting of the Finance Committee is:
Monday, April 9, 23, 30, 2012 at 7:00pm.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda I. Payette
Administrative Assistant to the Finance Committee